Thank You To River Rock Resort & Casino

For many years, the River Rock Resort and Casino has sponsored our Respitality program. Each year, more than twenty families receive a complimentary night stay so they may rest and relax. Often the daily demands of caring for someone with an intellectual disability deplete a family member’s energy so a night of soaking in a tub, watching a movie or reading a book is exactly what’s needed.

Again this year, the River Rock Resort and Casino offered to sponsor our program with a generous donation. The donation will be used to provide family members with complimentary hotel stays. We thank the staff at the River Rock for their generosity.

Are you interested? To be eligible, family members must live in Vancouver or Richmond. The person must be the primary caregiver to a person with a developmental disability, be a member of DDA, and receive support from any of the Association’s programs. DDA is fortunate to have partnerships with several sponsoring hotels in Vancouver and Richmond.

For more information or to apply, please contact Terry Schenkel, Assistant Director of Family Support Services at