Charles Waterman has lived in Richmond at Curzon house for over 25 years! Charles and his 4 roommates live in a lovely residential area amongst friendly neighbors. Over the years the Curzon crew have met their neighbors by hosting strawberry teas, garage sales, and inviting them to their holiday open houses.
Charles is an active participant in the Curzon Day Program. Charles’ schedule is pretty full! He delivers meals-on-wheels, delivers newspapers, goes weekly to the recycling depot, belongs to a Bollywood dance troupe, attends a performing arts class and music therapy sessions and yet…this is not enough for Charles!
Charles wanted to do “more”! The staff team at Curzon did some research with Charles and asked him if he’d like to explore the ‘Adopt a Street’ idea and what it entailed. They explained what he would be required to do, and he was very keen to talk to “Emily”, who works for the city of Richmond.
Emily invited Charles to join the “team”, and from there he was assigned a neighborhood to clean up. In fact, he was fortunate enough to get his own neighborhood to maintain. Charles is responsible for Curzon Street and Chelmsford Street in Richmond. Charles’ uniform and tools for the job consist of a fluorescent vest, tongs, a bucket and gloves. He wears his vest with a tremendous amount of pride!
On September 8th, the city of Richmond hosted an appreciation dinner for the city’s volunteers. Mayor Malcom Brodie was on hand to congratulate Charles. Charles makes for an ideal city volunteer who is willing, smiling and yearning to live up to the mission of the city to enhance its livability and its economic well being for the present and future generations. We are all proud of him and continue to stand by him in his efforts. He is certainly a role model for us all at the Curzon house. Congratulations, Charles!