One year ago, Creekside Child Development Centre was approached by the Development Team at Science World asking if they could have the help of the children to develop a gallery full of wonder and excitement. Of course, we took up the challenge.
The gallery was to be designed for children from birth to five years of age. Our friend Jacki, from Science World, was our liaison throughout the year as she brought props for us to try and scheduled children to visit the actual site.For example, Jacki brought over tubes to see if our babies could crawl through it, so it could be used a tunnel. Our babies took up the challenge, however we soon discovered that the tubes were much too small, so they went back to the drawing board.
Our older friends went to visit Jacki at the site to test out the amazing light exhibit, which was well liked and hard to leave as it was so much fun. I was also asked to be involved with the subcommittee for the new Wonder Gallery. I reviewed the prototype drawings with Jacki, toured the exhibit as it was being built and went over final touches. The Development Team used my feedback to ensure that children of all abilities would be able to come and enjoy the new exhibit.
The final test happened on Wednesday March 1st, when the entire centre; all 69 children were invited to test out the new Wonder Gallery. The Development Team was on hand to observe and take notes as the children busily worked their way through all the amazing exhibits. Thought and attention was paid to every aspect of the new exhibit and the children LOVED it! They got wet in the Splash Zone, climbed to new heights in the tree fort, went for a “drive “ in the Wonder Wheels Truck, built some amazing structures and bulldozed in the rubber pit.
The children were full of “Wonder” when they left and can’t wait till they get to go back!
Thank you to the Jacki and the Development Team for allowing us to take part in this wonderful project.