Jobs West Success Story – Timothy Joins Tendon Kohaku

In 2019, Timothy started in a joint program with the Vancouver School Board and DDA where he had a combination of classroom training and community exposure to learn all the skills necessary for success after high school. This lead to a volunteer experience at Belkin House where he learned the basics of how a commercial kitchen operates. In February 2021, he started a work experience at the Rise Eatery where he honed his skills as a Barista, learned more about baking and confirmed his passion for all things gastronomic!

In July, he landed himself a paid job as a Kitchen Aid in a stylish new Japanese restaurant in Burnaby; Tendon Kohaku.  Timothy started working before the restaurant opened its doors to the public and was involved with both the preparation and the grand opening itself.  Tim’s new role includes food preparation, dishwashing and putting the finishing touches on customers’ orders.  He is really enthusiastic about his job and says that he likes it because it is “so much fun.”  The restaurant manager, Kevin, is equally as passionate about Tim’s new role and reports that he is a hard worker who is “part of the team, just like everybody else. We’re happy to have him here!”

Congratulations to Timothy on his new job from everyone at Jobs West!