CBC News Visits Playhouse Child Development Centre

On November 14th 2019, CBC Radio Canada visited DDA’s own Playhouse Child Development Centre. A reporter and camera crew came by to document Geneviève Parent and her son Elliot’s story. They had struggled to find a suitable childcare centre for Elliot, an individual with developmental disabilities. She explained to CBC about the progress her son Elliot has made during his time at Playhouse and having his own support educator Kimberley Simpson.

Talking about Playhouse, Geneviève said, “It’s such a great example of inclusion. The members of the staff are able to understand him. There is even new equipment, they buy books that are more suited to him. They change the configurations, they adjust the chairs in which he eats.”

We are grateful for CBC coming to our child development centre and showcasing the fantastic work our support workers and centre staff are doing.

You can read the full CBC article here: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1392323/service-garde-enfant-handicap-elliot-genevieve-parent-katrine-conroy?fbclid=IwAR3rR760t6-o2f88mrlpaPNKMWbUcbHQpfvNz38lHYE72H16hEVK-HcY7B0
(please note the article is written in French).