Tech Review: Loop Earplugs

Loop Earplugs are advertised sound-filtering earplugs which allow the user to experience sound without background noises, as well as reducing the overall decibel level.

Dream Pad

Product: Dreampad Producer: DreamPad Compatibility: iOS/Android Cost: $149.00 USD Product summary: Dreampad is a high-tech pillow advertised as a sleep aid and sensory solution. Embedded within the pillow is a Bluetooth-enabled intrasound speaker that transmits vibrational sound once paired with the accompanying iOS/Android app. The pillow was designed to allow the user to hear and …

When It Comes to Adaptive Technology, Who is Doing the Adapting?

Over the past 6 months, DDA has been conducting research on the development of a unique adaptive communication system using a wireless, one-handed keyboard known as Tap™ (Tap™ Device Review). This project was originally addressed in our article, Harnessing Creativity for Accessibility.   The initial idea of harnessing Tap™ for use as an assistive communication …

Apple Pen vs. Stylus vs. Manual Entry

iPad technology has had a significant impact on the disability community in a variety of ways including, communication, access to information, and recreation. The range of use has expanded significantly since the introduction of built-in accessibility features starting with VoiceOver in 2009 and Switch Control in 2013, with more updates and features continuing to be …

Tap Device for iOS/Android Review

Product: Tap Device Producer: Tap Systems Inc. Compatibility: iOS and Android Price: $179 USD (approx. $230 CAD) Product Summary The Tap device, also known as the Tap Strap, is a wearable keyboard designed by Tap Systems Inc. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned to a tapping code. When the user taps their hand using …

Skoog Musical Interface Review

Product: Skoog 2.0 Tactile Musical Interface Producer: Skoogmusic Ltd. Compatibility: iOS Cost: $399.95 + tax Product Summary The Skoog 2.0 Tactile Musical Interface is advertised as a, “tactile musical instrument” that, when paired with a compatible iOS device, can be used to produce music by pressing on one of five colour-coded buttons. It has been …