Vancouver Tax Preparation Clinics Locations and Dates


It is very worthwhile to make the effort and there is a place to go where you can get definitive answers specific to your situation – usually at no cost. There are six tax credits that should be looked at to maximize results. The entire family situation should be considered because tax credits can often …

Property in Trusts

Property in Trust

Recently I have been asked a few times if putting real estate into a trust for family members is a good idea. It is understandable why people are asking this especially when in Vancouver and Toronto, families are often property rich or cash poor due to the inflated values of real estate. Beyond a deeper …

Tax Concepts

In past articles we have looked at specific tax efficient things you can do for disability finances like applying for the disability tax credit. I think that with tax time just around the corner perhaps this would be a good opportunity to go over some general concepts about taxation to clear up the mysteries about …