On August 14th, 22 of DDA’s People’s First clients participated in learning how to manage their stress. The clients and staff read prepared poster boards and discussed stress management.
We reviewed:
- The symptoms of stress
- 10 tips on managing stress
- How to reduce stress in your life
- Reminders about the importance of sleep and eating well.
- The importance of having fun: physical exercise, laughter, being around friends and family
- The importance of being in nature, listening to music, watching your favourite shows, artwork, and enjoying activities in your community.

Making Stress Balls
The fun part of the day was the Stress Ball Clinic and making stress balls with Sienna Turton. Sienna was a Developmental Disabilities Association client when she was involved in the Infant Development Program at just two months old. She guided us patiently through the steps of making stress balls. Her mother and worker assisted in handing out the materials. Everybody left the workshop with 2 stress balls.