This spring, DDA was a proud sponsor of the BC People First Conference held online and in person.
Celebrating their individuality and abilities, DDA residents created custom t-shirts for the event and had a fun lunch at DDA’s head office complete with activities and pictures. The following day, ten self-advocates from DDA went to the in-person event in downtown Vancouver. Congratulations to all of our wonderful self-advocates for standing up and being heard, you have our unwavering support.
The following article was written by DDA client, Marie Putman.
On March 15, 2024, I went to the People’s First Conference with my friend Julie and staff.
The conference was held at the SFU Vancouver Downtown Campus from 11 to 7 pm.
At the conference, we listened to guest speakers talking about our rights as individuals living with a disability.
The guest speakers were self-advocates who also had disabilities.
One self-advocate spoke of her living situation and talked about the right to have affordable housing. She discussed living in a group home, having access to a good, clean home, and having the choice of where to live. This right is something everyone should have.
Julie remembers hearing about the right to employment with a fair living wage. Equal work for equal pay. This right makes room for an individual to feel dignity, respect, and being valued in the workplace.
The BC People’s First Society is a non-profit organization that is a part of the International People’s First movement. It is made up of self-advocates and has been around for 40 years.
The mission they have is for people with intellectual disabilities to be included and respected in their communities as full citizens.
After lunch, we worked on a brainstorm activity, where I mentioned that I write and create children’s story books.
Over the years I have published two books and I am looking to publish another any day now.
I am Marie Putman and this is my Right.